Wisdom Teeth Extractions

General Information

Wisdom Teeth ExtractionsWisdom teeth (third molars) are the last molars to develop in your mouth. Typically, a person will develop four wisdom teeth, one in each corner of the mouth. Some people can develop more or less than four wisdom teeth. The jawbone grows to its adult size by the late teen years. Unfortunately, the size of the jawbone is often too small to hold the developing wisdom teeth. This happens because our jaws are smaller than those of early humans who needed larger jaws and more teeth for their tougher diet.

Understanding why such things can happen may help you to deal with such problems or better still, to encourage you to take preventative measures before they occur. The primary preventative measure for wisdom teeth, is to remove them.

Why should I remove my wisdom teeth?

Removal of wisdom teeth is recommended when these teeth are unable to properly erupt within the mouth. They may come in at various angles, partially break through the gum tissue (partially impacted) or remain completely buried beneath the gum tissue and bone (completely impacted).

When wisdom teeth have broken through the gum tissue (erupted or partially erupted), food and plaque can become trapped between the gum tissue and the tooth. This can result in an infection in the gum tissue around the tooth (called pericoronitis). Additionally, the accumulation of food and plaque can result in decay (cavities) in the wisdom teeth and/or adjacent teeth.

Alternatively, there can be breakdown and inflammation of the surrounding bone, called periodontal disease. Pressure from erupting wisdom teeth may also cause crowding of the remaining teeth. When an individual has undergone orthodontic treatment (braces), wisdom teeth removal is recommended to prevent crowding after the braces have been removed.

Lastly, retaining wisdom teeth can result in the development of dental cysts (odontogenic cysts) or tumors. These cysts or tumors can often cause significant harm to the bone nearby and often times damage healthy teeth.

Removal of impacted teeth resolves these concerns. No one can predict when wisdom teeth complications will occur, however it is estimated that 85% of wisdom teeth will eventually need to be removed. It is generally considered a good idea to remove these teeth when individuals are younger since the surgery tends to be easier and post-operative complications are less likely.


A complete dental and medical history, an intra-oral examination and a review of the radiographs will be used by your doctor to determine the appropriate course of treatment. If a problem is detected, removal may be recommended. The following factors will help to determine when and how your wisdom teeth will be removed: level of impaction of the teeth (erupted, impacted, or semi-impacted), root lengths, and patient anxiety level. During your consult, your doctor will review the recommended procedure and the recommended anesthetic (see Anesthesia section). They will also review the pre-operative and post-operative instructions so that you fully understand and feel comfortable with your treatment plan. Questions are encouraged at this time. If you are a patient under the legal age of 18, a parent or guardian must accompany you to the consult to ensure informed consent can be obtained. (See Pre-operative and Post-operative Instructions).

If you have further questions or concerns regarding this procedure please do not hesitate to call our office.

Pre-Operative Instructions

All patients undergoing a general anesthetic or intravenous sedation, please read the following information carefully.

Before Surgery

  1. DO NOT eat any food after midnight on the night before your surgery.
  2. DO NOT drink any fluids, including water, after midnight the night before surgery.
  3. DO NOT smoke or consume alcohol for 24 hours before surgery.
  4. Patients taking birth control medications please be advised that its effectiveness may be reduced when taking antibiotics.

Failure to comply with these instructions can jeopardize your well-being prior to surgery and your surgery MAY BE CANCELLED.

Surgery Day Instructions

  1. Any medications provided by the clinic or taken on a routine basis that have been approved by Dr. Touchan can be taken with a SMALL SIP of water only prior to surgery.
  2. A responsible adult must accompany you to the office, be prepared to stay and take you home and remain with you until you have recovered from the effects of the anesthetic. You are considered legally impaired and CAN NOT drive for 24hrs after receiving anesthesia. PLEASE NOTE: IF YOU DO NOT HAVE A RIDE ON SURGERY DAY, YOUR SURGERY MAY BE CANCELLED.
  3. Shower, brush your teeth and put on comfortable clean clothing (preferably dark colours) which should include a short sleeved shirt.
  4. DO NOT wear makeup, nail polish, contact lenses. Remove any tongue, nose or lip jewellery.
    Asthmatic patients please bring your inhalers.
  5. Diabetic patients please bring your insulin and glucometer if available. Please check your blood glucose prior to the procedure.

Please note that we do our best to stay on schedule. Due to the unpredictable nature of surgery, your appointment time is an approximation and you may be waiting 1-2 hours. If we are running late, it is because the patient ahead of you has been given additional time and attention to ensure a successful surgery. The same consideration will be given to you in a similar situation. Your patience and understanding is greatly appreciated.

Post-Operative Instructions

Proper care after surgery has an important effect on healing. Please read the following instructions carefully:

Immediately After Surgery

  1. Bite firmly on the gauze pads covering each extraction site to help stop the bleeding. We will change the gauze before you leave the office. You may need to change the gauze pads once more at home, leaving the gauze in for an additional 30 minutes. Remember to remove the gauze before eating or drinking.
  2. You may have difficulty feeling your lips, cheeks, and/or tongue due to the numbness from the local anesthetic. This is a temporary feeling and it will wear off within 2-4hrs. Please take care not to bite your lips, cheeks and/or gums.
  3. Apply ice packs to your face to reduce swelling for the first 48h hours after surgery.
  4. Take the pain medication as prescribed as soon as possible.
  5. Do not rinse or spit the day of the surgery, as this may prolong the bleeding.
  6. Make sure to get lots of rest on the day of the surgery.


One of the most common concerns after surgery is bleeding. Surgery causes an increase in salivary flow which in addition to the normal oozing of blood may alarm you unnecessarily. Some oozing is normal for 24 to 48hrs following surgery and should not be a concern. It is common for saliva to be slightly blood tinged for several days following surgery.

  1. Use a piece of gauze (or a moist teabag), folded into a small wad, and place it over the surgical site. The idea is to apply gentle pressure on the surgical site. Apply pressure for at least 20-30 minutes after surgery. The gauze can be changed when it feels saturated. One may need to change the gauze and repeat the previous steps a few times to decrease bleeding. If bleeding is controlled, the gauze is no longer necessary.
  2. DO NOT rinse your mouth or use a straw for the next 24 hours.
  3. DO NOT smoke or consume alcohol for the next 24 hours.
  4. DO NOT perform strenuous activities for the next 3 days..

If you are bleeding excessively, apply firm pressure by folding and placing a gauze pad directly over the extraction site and bite firmly on the gauze for one hour. Excessive bleeding is defined as pooling or dripping of blood out of the extraction sites within 15-20seconds of removing the gauze. If excess bleeding continues, apply a gauze pad for an additional 30 minutes. If excessive bleeding persists, contact the 24hr office number.

Pain Management

Some amount of discomfort is to be expected following any surgery. If your doctor thinks that you will benefit from a prescription pain medication, you will receive a prescription following your surgery. Please follow the prescription instructions carefully.

  • Ibuprofen (such as Advil, Motrin) works very well for many patients and can significantly reduce the amount of narcotic pain medicine (Tylenol 3, Percocet) needed. You may find that taking 400-600mg of ibuprofen every 6 hours on a regular schedule for the first 2-3 days is all the pain medicine needed. If needed, you may take both the ibuprofen and the narcotic pain medication as prescribed for maximum pain management. Continue to take the pain medication as directed and as needed for pain relief. You can wean yourself off the pain medications if the pain is controlled. You may or may not need to take all the prescribed pain medications for this reason.
  • Begin taking your pain medications as directed as soon as you get home and before the local anesthetic (freezing) wears off. Your pain medication can be taken with liquids but it is important to get some soft food in your stomach as soon as possible. Take all subsequent doses along with food to minimize nausea.


If your doctor thinks that you will benefit from antibiotics to prevent infection, you may receive a prescription for one. If prescribed, take as directed. It is important to ensure you finish the full course of the antibiotic.

  • If you are experiencing nausea you may TEMPORARILY stop taking the antibiotic until the nausea subsides, however you must always restart and finish the antibiotics as directed.
  • If any medications cause hives or itching, discontinue them immediately and call the office.


  • Increased swelling after 5 days
  • Swelling that is painful, hard or hot

Call our office if you notice any signs of infection including:

  • Increased swelling after 5 days
  • Swelling that is painful, hard or hot
  • A foul taste or odor in your mouth
  • A temperature above 38°C


Swelling around the mouth, eyes, and cheeks is a normal reaction to the surgery and usually takes 2-3 days to fully develop. To help prevent swelling:

  • Apply ice packs to the cheeks for 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off. Keep your head elevated for first 48 hours after surgery. Ice serves no purpose after 48 hours and may contribute to jaw stiffness.
  • Use crushed ice in a ziplock bag or a bag of frozen peas bag wrapped in a moist cloth to prevent frostbite.
  • After the first 5 days, you can begin using a heating pad or moist heat for relief of swelling, bruising, and stiffness of the jaw.
  • Apply heat 4 times/day for 30 minutes time intervals.
  • If your doctor thinks that you will benefit from it, you may have receive a prescription for a medication (Dexamethasone) to help with swelling. Take the medication as directed. Occasionally, this medication will cause some people to experience tingling in their hands and feet. If this happens, stop the medication and contact the office.


Try to resume a normal diet after the first 3 days. Initially you may feel more comfortable with a softer diet. Suggested foods are soups, noodles, scrambled eggs, pasta, pudding, yogurt, ice cream, juices, milkshakes, pancakes, and anything soft that you can tolerate. Drink lots of fluids to rehydrate. Avoid hard, crunchy foods such as chips that may disturb the extraction site for at least 3 days. No alcoholic beverages should be consumed for at least 24hrs post anesthetic or as long as you are taking narcotic pain medications and antibiotics.


You may experience some nausea which is common following a general anaesthetic/sedation. Frequent sips of carbonated drinks such as ginger ale, will usually help stop the nausea. Follow this with a clear diet, apple juice, clear tea, broths, and jello. If this is not effective you may use Gravol an-over-the counter medication. Take as prescribed on the box. Discontinue your medications TEMPORARILY until the nausea subsides but always restart and finish them as directed.

Wound Care & Irrigation

If you have been provided with an irrigator (small plastic syringe), you should begin using it the day after surgery on the extraction sites and after each meal and at bedtime. Fill the irrigator with lukewarm salt water (1/2 tsp in 8 oz water) or the Chlorhexidine mouth rinse. Make sure to direct the tip of the irrigator into the extraction site and flush out the extraction site completely. This may be uncomfortable at first, but keeping the site clean reduces the chance of infection or dry socket. Continue irrigating the sockets until the extraction site has closed. Normally this takes about 2-3 weeks.

  • If your doctor feels you will benefit from it you may have been prescribed a CHLORHEXIDINE mouth rinse as well. Use this mouth rinse as directed along with salt water rinses throughout the day.

Sutures (Stitches)

Your sutures will dissolve on their own 3-6 days after surgery but they may come out at any time after surgery. You may notice that they loosen after the swelling of your gum tissue decrease. This is completely normal.

Resuming Activities

If you have undergone a general anesthetic, you should go home and rest for the remainder of the day. Do not drive or engage in strenuous activities (sports) for at least 48hrs. On average most patients will take 1-2 days off from normal activity. You may return to work/school when you feel you are recovered.

Dry Socket

After a tooth extraction, it is important for a blood clot to form to stop the bleeding and begin the healing process. A dry socket occurs when the blood clot is dislodged from the surgery site exposing the bone and the fine nerve endings. A small percentage of patients may experience a dry socket. Signs of a dry socket generally consist of an increase in jaw discomfort 3-6 days after surgery that is not relieved by pain medication. If this happens, please call the office. Follow these precautions to avoid a dry socket:

  • Do not smoke
  • Avoid sucking action from smoking, spitting or using straws for first 24hrs
  • Clean the extraction site as described in the wound care section
  • Do not rinse your mouth excessively for first 24 hours as it interferes with blood clotting


Do not smoke for at least 3 days following surgery.

Brushing & Rinsing

The day of surgery you may brush your teeth, but try to avoid the surgical site for at least 3 days. Avoid rinsing, or spitting the day of surgery. If you wear a retainer, you may continue to wear it if is comfortable for you to do so.


Do not use a straw for first 24hrs after surgery.


A slight rise in temperature can occur for 24-48hrs after surgery and this is normal. If it continues beyond this time, please call the office .

Bone Chips

Occasionally small chips of bone may appear in the surgical site. This can happen anywhere from a few days to several weeks following the surgery. Usually they will eventually fall of by themselves . If they are causing you significant discomfort,contact our office (403) 235-0505 for an appointment.

Numb Lip and Chin

Lip numbness of the side in which the tooth was extracted may develop. This is known as “paresthesia” . It is most often a temporary condition that will correct itself. It can last a variable length of time. If it lasts greater than 3 weeks please notify the office.

Follow-Up Appointments

Generally no follow-up is needed for routine extractions unless otherwise specified by the surgeon. The nurse will let you know if a follow-up appointment is necessary and it will be scheduled for you. There is no additional charge for follow-up visits.


Your well-being is our primary concern. It is our sincere desire that you have the most comfortable and least anxiety provoking experience. Should you have any questions regarding your recovery, please do not hesitate to contact our office at (403) 235-0505.


If any unusual symptoms should occur please call our office at (403) 235-0505. If you are calling after our office hours or on the weekend, the answering machine will direct you to the oral surgeon on-call. In the event of an unexpected admission to a hospital related to a treatment done at our facility, please make sure you notify us.